III Simpósio sobre o
Cráton do São Francisco

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The deadline for paper or poster submission is April 30th, 2005.


  • All submitted contributions must be a result of original work

  • Only those contributions that comply with the editorial guidelines will be reviewed by the scientific board.

  • The authors must be clearly specified. The presenter's name will be underlined

  • Three paper-printed copies must be provided with a quality equal or greater than 300 dpi. The authors are asked to mail the whole contribution in electronic form (CD), saved in MsWord format (DOC ou RTF).

  • Figures and tables must be embebbed in the MsWord text file.

  • The name of the electronic file must be the name of the first author (e.g. Oliveira.doc)

  • § The contributions must be mailed to the following postal address: 

Secretaria do III SCSF – Instituto de Geociências da UFBA – Sala 210 C
Campus Universitário de Ondina – Salvador – Bahia – 40210-340

a/c Dr. João Batista G. Teixeira


The maximum length for the short paper is 4 pages, letter size paper (21.6 by 27.8 cm), printed one side of the sheet paper, leaving 3 cm top margin, and 2 cm on the the bottom, left and right margins.


(Times New Roman, 12pt, bold and centered)
(space, 12 pt)

(space, 12 pt)
Santos, A.B.1; Silva, J.K.2 e Oliveira, M.L.3
(Times New Roman, 12pt, bold and centered)

(espaço simples, 11 pt)

1. Institution, postal address, country. E-mail. (Times New Roman, 9 pt, left justified).
2. Institution, postal address, country. E-mail. (Times New Roman, 9 pt, left justified).
3. Institution, postal address, country. E-mail. (Times New Roman, 9 pt, left justified).
(space, 11 pt)

Keywords: maximum of five words, separated by commas (Times New Roman, 11pt, left justified).
(space, 11 pt)


(Times New Roman, 12pt, bold ans centered)
(space, 11 pt)

The Abstract will be written in English, with 11pt Times New Roman font., in single column format with the text justified. The abstract should be brief and objective, containing within a 250 word maximum the content and conclusions of the paper. Omit references, criticisms, tables, drawings, and diagrams.
(space, 11 pt)

The text can be written in Portuguese or English, with Times New Roman, 11pt, in two-column format, with the text justified. Each column should be 8.5 cm wide, separated by 0.6 cm. The body of the text can contain subheadings with no more than two categories of subtitles: the first in bold capital letters and the second on normal capital letters. Both must be left margin justified.

The beginning of each paragraph must have 0.5cm (5 character) indentation. Symbols must belong to the "Symbol" and/or "Wingdings" sets.

References cited in the text, if given parenthetically, must be indicated as (Conceicão, 1985), (Marinho and Ferreira, 1996) or (Sial et al., 1999), or as in the following example if used as a functional part of the sentence, e.g. Misi (1985) reported.... If there are several papers by the same author(s) in the same year (Rosa, 1990a,b) or different years (Inda et al., 1991, 1997). If more than one paper is quoted, they should be separated by a semicolon (Azevedo, 1997; Rios, 1999).

Expressions such as: op. cit. and ibid. are not accepted. Fossil names and other non-Portuguese or non-English words, except for localities or geographical names must be in italics.


All Figures and Tables must be black and white, embebbed in the text in its corresponding location and have correlative Arabic numbers according to their order. The use of gray shades contrasting by no less than about 25% is acceptable. The Figures and Tables can have a maximum width of one or two columns. In the text they should be referred to as (Fig. 1). (Figs. 2a,b) or (Table 1). Maps must include geographic coordinates, bar scale, and north arrow. Figure and Table captions must be centered and written 10pt. Times New Roman, following the example below.

 Figure 1. C and Sr chemostratigraphic curves... (text centered)


Papers cited in the text must be listed in alphabetical order. Use 10 pt Times New Roman font for the reference list, which will be 4 character indented, starting in the second line. References should have name of the authors, complete title of the reference, name of the journal or publishing house, volume and page numbers. When several papers with the same first author are quoted, the following order is required:

Lima, R. F., 1975...
Lima, R. F., 1985...
Lima, R. F. & Marinho, M. M., 1987
Lima., R. F. &  Ferreira, V. P., 1980
Lima, R. F.; Sial, A. N.; Conceição, H., 1990
Lima, R. F.; Rosa, M.; Azevedo, H.A, 1991.


Use the International System of units (metric) in captions, illustrations, and text.


One panel measuring 100 x 120 cm will be provided for every poster presentation.

   . Desenvolvido por Netstation Soluções em Informática.